A small record of what have I been doing in Adelaide, to remind me of the happy memories that I had. =)
Firsts and Fun Stuff1. Doing a lot of cooking
2. Being accepted in music course (a dream come true)
3. Studying in a recording studio
4. Recorded band
5. Bought my little Fender
6. Being able to complete assignment
7. That exam experience (Praise god!)
8. Accepting Christ
9. Housewarming and Party
10. Kbox (though not first, but fun! lolz!)
11. Performance in Adelaide (using stg that I've never used before)
12. Bought Bicycle and fixing it (Thanks to Matt! =D)
13. Working experience in market selling vege (=)
14. Rock Climbing (0.0)
15. Playing badminton (Not first, but fun! lolz!)
16. Guitar session
17. Roadtrip
18. Building my own oscillator and amplifier and mic (Thanks to Nicholas Collins)
19. First panel judgement
20. First exam in Adelaide
21. Prayer month
22. Prayer meeting
23. Cycling to Henley beach (almost dying lolz!)
24. Played drums
25. And Many More which I couldn't think of now
Thank god for all these blessings... =')Just a small little record for myself to remind me of how blessed I am. =)
Words are unable to draw out the moments and it is definitely so much different from what it looks here, and how we read it here. Anyhow! it is still a very useful reminder, memo, to our memory.
I pray that for this semester I would continue to grow in Him and to improve more and more. =)
And I pray that even when there are challenges in life, I would have the courage to face it and to not lose faith as everything happens for a reason.
Thank you lord. :)